Mrs. Antonetti, Data Operator
Registering a student at Hickory Creek Elementary
Welcome to Hickory Creek! We are excited to have you join our HCE family. Transitioning to a new school can be stressful; we are here to help make your transition as stress-free as possible.
Registration at all St. Johns County schools is now done online in an effort to improve efficiency by digitally converting our paper processes and records. State of Florida requirements, District policies and general information regarding enrollment and registration are available using the links on the right side of this page. We strongly encourage you to read through these before you start your registration process.
To register your student, please click the blue “Register My Student for School” button at the top right. This takes you to the account page of the PowerSchool online registration system where you will need to create an account. View some quick information/instructions about your PowerSchool account.
Once you have finished your PowerSchool registration and received a submission confirmation, please email the data operator.
Mrs. Antonetti ( Let her know that you’ve submitted your registration. At this time, we are trying to limit visitors in and out of the school. As long as your uploaded documents are legible and we are able to print them off, you will not need to bring anything in. Someone will let you know if there are any problems or if there is anything else we need. Please note that we cannot move forward with your registration until you have provided ALL the required documents noted below (3 current proofs of residency, a birth certificate, the Florida DH680 immunization form, a current school-entry physical, and any other pertinent documents (custody papers, report cards/grades, IEPs, etc.)). Please be aware that, even if you upload the required documents into Powerschool, you will need to bring the originals in to the school for verification. Hickory Creek requires at least 24 hrs from the final registration time until a child can start school.
Top 10 Things for HCES Parents to Know! Click Here!
Requirements for All Children to Begin School
- Grade Placement (Florida State Statute 1003.21)
- Kindergarten:A child must be five years old on or before September 1st.
- First Grade:A child must be six years old on or before September 1st AND satisfy one of the following:
- a) Satisfactory completion of Kindergarten in a Florida public school.
b) Satisfactory completion of Kindergarten in a non-public school.
c) Previous attendance in an out-of-state school in which the student was admitted based on age requirements established by the state of residency.
- Proof of Residency
- Certain documents will be required to prove residency. A complete detail of these requirements can found at the SJCSD website regarding residency: (
- Students must attend their home-zone school. To check your school zone, use the SJCSD Attendance Zone Locator, available here:
- Original Birth Certificate or valid/current Passport
- Proof of Immunization
- A current, signed Florida Certification of Immunization, DH 680 form (Florida State Statute 1003.22)
- FL Immunization Requirements – FAQs
- Free Pediatric Immunization Clinics
For additional Information regarding immunizations, please contact:
Florida Department of Health- St. Johns County
200 San Sebastian View
St. Augustine, FL 32084
For additional information regarding any health issue for school
enrollment, please visit (
- School-Entry Physical/Health Examination (must be dated within 12 months of the student’s first day of school)
Optional, but helpful, additional Documents:
- Social Security Number
- Academic Records (for students previous enrolled in another school).
Although we will request the records from the previous school, proper class
placement will be expedited if you provide:
-Most recent report card
-Unofficial transcripts or grades
-Most recent test scores
-Copy of IEP, EP, 504
Custody Documents and Shared Parental Responsibility
The St. Johns County School District recognizes that there are divorce or custody cases where parents have shared parental responsibilities. It is our belief and hope that parents will be good role models and abide by the agreements in the court approved documents. Hickory Creek Elementary will no longer attempt to interpret court or legal documents. Both parents will have equal access to the child, his/her educational program, and his/her school records, unless there is a restraining order or court documents that specifically prohibit or prevent a parent from being in contact with his/her child. Concerns about shared custody agreements, visitation, and pick-up/drop-off times should be handled between the parents or guardians, and the school should not be involved in these issues.
Extended Day
If you have questions or would like to sign up for our Extended Day program, please contact our Coordinator, Donna Claudio, at 904-547-7464 (between the hours of 10:30 am – 2:00 pm) and 904-547-7451 (between the hours of 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm). Please allow 24 to 48 hours for a response.